1.The theory of the seed of Consciousness-only is the key to decide the survival of the whole theory of Con-sciousness-only.唯识种子理论是关系唯识学整个理论存亡的关键,自其成立以来,就受到了来自各方的责难。

1.Cotta-manas-vijnana and Vinaptimatrata: The Mind-Nature Ontology of the Dharmalaksana Sect;心意识与唯识无境:唯识宗的心性本体论
2.A Brief Probe into the Conceptive "Object" of the Mind-Only School--Taking Cheung Wei Shih Lun as Study Case;佛教唯识宗“对象”概念初探:以《成唯识论》为据
3.The ūnyat?、^ Theory of Vijaptimātratā in Vijaptimātratāsiddhi-āstra and Its Criticism to Tīrthaka;《成唯识论》中的唯识空观及其对“外道”的批判
4.An Exploration of the Origin of the Three Natures of Perception in Yogacara--Whether to Be Viewed as Two Schools for Dharma-Character and Consciousness-Only;唯识三性说源流探微——兼评法相与唯识分宗说
5.Buddhist Idealism: The Consciousness-Only School of Hsuan-tsang佛教的理想主义:玄奘的唯识
6.On the Early Tiantai School Absorbing from the Old Consciousness-only Thoughts;早期天台学对唯识古学的吸收与抉择
7.A Compared Research of Jung s Personality Psychology and the Theory of Consciousness-only School;荣格人格心理学与唯识学的比较研究
8.Similarities and Differences in Jung s Psychology and Buddhist Vijānamātra;荣格心理学与佛教唯识学思想之异同
9."There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance. -- Caesar"唯一好的是知识,唯一坏的是无知。-- 恺撒
10.the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge辩证唯物论的认识论
11.theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism辩证唯物主义认识论
12.Friends like you come along once in a life time.相识满天下,知心唯一人。
13.A uniqueidentifier column will be added automatically to published tables without one.将为没有唯一标识符列的已发布表自动添加唯一标识符列。
14."Unique numeric string identifying the server session"标识服务器会话的唯一的数字字符串
15.Specifies the unique numeric string that identifies the server session.指定唯一的数字串来识别服务器会话。
16.Unique identification key of the building shown in this drawing该绘图中显示的建筑物的唯一标识键
17.Base table whose key uniquely identifies a record in the form其键值唯一标识窗体中记录的基表
18.Each computer on a network must have a unique identifier.网络上的计算机必须具有唯一标识符。

1.The author once distinguished vijānamātra from vijaptimātra,which are basic concepts of vijnanavada in India.印度瑜伽行派唯识学的的基本概念"唯识"(vijānamātra)与"唯了别"(vijaptimātra)具有不同的内涵。
2.And the chief difference between it and vijānamātra studies lies in the different princ.如来藏概念相应于印度如来藏思想的三个发展阶段,可以区分为佛性如来藏、空性如来藏与识性如来藏三种不同而又有着本质关联的意义,其中识性如来藏与唯识学之间有着密切的关联。
3)theory of consciousness-only唯识学
1.According to Jung s preconscious psyche,the seventh(Manas),the eighth(Alaya),the Seeds,and the prior six consciousnesses in the theory of consciousness-only(Vijānamātra),all belong to the unconscious.按荣格的意识阈下的心理内容属无意识的定义,唯识学的第七识、第八识和种子,以及处于率尔心、寻求心状态的前六识,都属无意识范畴。
1.Research into Zhuangzi s Ideas with Cittamatra;唯识学视域的庄子思想新探
5)Dharmalaksana Sect唯识宗
1.Cotta-manas-vijnana and Vinaptimatrata: The Mind-Nature Ontology of the Dharmalaksana Sect;心意识与唯识无境:唯识宗的心性本体论
6)the Old Consciousness-only Thoughts唯识古学
1.On the Early Tiantai School Absorbing from the Old Consciousness-only Thoughts;早期天台学对唯识古学的吸收与抉择

唯识  大乘佛教瑜伽行派重要术语之一。意谓世界一切现象都是心识所变现,心外无独立的客观存在。亦称"唯识无境"。这种观点认为有情的"识"可分为八种:前五识,谓能了别外界对象的眼、耳、鼻、舌、身等识;第六识,谓有想象、思考等统觉作用的意识;第七识,谓作为潜在的自我意识的末那识;第八识,谓作为前七识的根本及核心的阿赖耶识。阿赖耶识内藏着被命名为种子的能产生世界各种现象的精神因素,故又称为"藏识"或"种子识"。从阿赖耶识能维持种子及身心器官这一方面说,又被称为"执持识"。唯识的认识论,就是由识分成"见分"(认识的主体,亦即认识的能力或作用)及"相分"(认识的客体,亦即反映在主观上被认识的形相),然后由见分去认识相分。此时的经验,可以给阿赖耶识造成新的印象,形成新的种子。世界万物只是阿赖耶识内藏的自性各别的诸法名言种子的显现,故说境依识起,唯识无境。"唯识无境"是印度大乘佛教瑜伽行派宗教理论与宗教实践的基石,也是中国佛教地论学派,摄论学派以及法相宗的基本观点?! ?