1.Analysis of Privatization of Japanese Post Service;日本邮政服务私有化透析
2.Review of American social security privatization;美国社会保障私有化研究述评
3.Privatization,Corruption and SOE Restructuring;私有化、腐败与国有企业重构

1.To transfer(an industry, for example)from governmental to private ownership.使私有化将(如,工业)从国有转变为私有
2.The marketization/privatization of the economy经济市场化/私有化
3.Regional Symposium on Privatizatio私有化问题区域座谈会
4.Central and Eastern European Privatization Network中欧和东欧私有化网络
5.The government Intend to go ahead with Its privatization plan政府拟推行私有化计画
6.The government intends to go ahead with its privatization plans.政府拟推行私有化计画.
7.The government intends to go ahead with its privatization plan政府拟推行私有化计划
8.A Study on the Internal Privatization of the Small and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises;国有中小企业内部私有化改制的研究
9.On the Unfairly Pocketing of Partial Public Property Rights in China;我国局部性公有产权私有化问题刍议
10.A Correct Understanding of Loss Incurred in State-owned Enterprises to Prevent Privatization;正确对待国有企业亏损 反对私有化
11.Privatization process of state-owned commercial banks in France and its enlightenment法国国有商业银行私有化进程及启示
12.Privatizing the national parks国家公园是否也要私有化
13.The government is running up against considerable opposition to its privatization plans.政府的私有化计画遇到了很大的阻力.
14.Ad Hoc Working Group on Comparative Experience with Privatization私有化比较经验特设工作组
15.The government be running up against considerable opposition to Its privatization plan政府的私有化计画遇到了很大的阻力
16.Guide on Legal Aspects of Privatization in Industry工业私有化法律方面指南
17.Land Privatization and the Crises of the Late Assyrian Empire土地私有化与亚述帝国晚期的?;?br> 18.Special Privatization and Restructuring Programme私有化和结构调整特别方案

no privatization非私有化
1.The balance of rights in levying rural field is still possible under no privatization,but the balance is relative.在非私有化条件下仍然存在农村土地产权明晰和抑制公权的可能,非私有化条件下,通过土地产权交易实现各方权益均衡是可能的,但这种权益均衡只能是一种相对均衡。
3)Law of Privatization私有化法
4)go private私有化;私营化
5)privatization of government-owned land官田私有化
1.Also, there was the tendency of th privatization of government-owned land, transferring of land to private owners.宋代官田在封建土地所有制形态中已不占主导地位,只是封建大地主土地私有制的一种补充形式,而且呈现出官田私有化趋势,不断向私人占田转化。
6)array privatization数组私有化
1.One takes the property of indirect array into accounts, the other uses runtime test based on the strict array privatization definition.利用间接数组特征分析和基于严格数组私有化定义的运行时动态测试技术来解决包含间接数组下标引用的循环并行性判断问题,给出性能估测,并与相关工作进行了比较。
2.However, the traditional ways for array privatization are not powerful enough.数组私有化是并行化编译中的重要技术 ,该文针对现有数组私有化方法的不足 ,分析了数组私有化的本质 ,提出了一个新的数组私有化方法 :相关 -覆盖方法 。
3.This thesis researches the optimization of the array data-flow analysis and the array privatization technique on program optimization.本文主要研究数组数据流分析技术的优化及程序优化中的数组私有化技术。
